Hey, It's Me
Based in Atlanta, Ga, I’ve worked in many different areas on a variety of projects, and am always looking for exciting new opportunities that force me to think outside the box. I love applying my creativity and pushing the boundaries of what I’m capable of doing. I'm currently working freelance for my Production Design/ Art Director/ Propmaster work while working as a producer with my Production company, HEVI Productions, ran by myself, Magen Small, Liv Higgins, And Macey Small with all of us dealing in different aspects of production we make for a cohesive team and are prepared to tackle all your Film/Media/Entertainment Production needs
Please take the opportunity to browse through my site, have a look at my showreel, and explore my resume. If you’d like to learn more about my inspirations, interests, or past projects, please don’t hesitate to reach out!
Film Credentials
Check out the list of jobs, projects, and everything else that has helped shape me into the creative person I am today. Each of these roles has contributed to my personal and professional development, and I have enjoyed each role tremendously. Want more info? How about a reference? Get in touch and let’s work together.

Production Designer
December 2021 - April 2022

"The Secret Life of Amy Benson " S1,S2 Passion flix
Prop Master
May 2022 - June 2022

"Coins Forever " TV One
Prop Master
July 2021 - August 2021